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LIfe's Too Short

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Pernah korang rasa annoyed/irritated by someone, that you feel like punch them on the face, that's what I feel. Sakit hati. Please la. Kalau korang rasa korang tu kawan aku, act like a friend, not frienemy. Aku bukan apa, bagi aku, kawan yang sejati or so-called-friend, dia kena paham la keadaan kawan dia. Aku ni selalu mood tak elok. Maybe because of the medications I've taken because it somehow playing with my hormones. So my mood always swing. When I tell you nicely please do not disturb me, then DON'T!! I really mean it. Kalau aku tak kacau hidup kau, kau jangan sesekali kacau hidup aku. Kalau kau rindu aku sangat la (as if), tunggu la sampai marah aku tuh reda. Aku dah lama sangat tahan rasa sakit hati bila diorang buat jokes, but hurts my feeling. I had enough with this feelings. Jokes korang ni kasar2 sangat untuk aku. Seriously, kalau la korang sakit hati aku depan2 aku, takpe tau, because i just slap you there and then. Like I fucking care. Aku dah ada ramai sangat kawan aku yang tak reti jaga hati aku. Puas dah aku nak jaga hati korang, korang couldn't be bothered to jaga hati aku. Then why should I care. Even I slap you in front of people because I've been humiliated in front of people by someone who called friend. Sedih ar bila ingat cerita2 ni. Why I've been treated this way. What did I do that you trash me? Hurt me? Backstabbing me? Stealing all my friends? That's why I turn to my internet friends. They are loyalty (but somes don't). They are better than friends that I've known. That's why kadang2 bila dengar lagu2 pasal friendship ni, rasa nak termuntah je because all of them bullshit! Yeah, you heard me, BULLSHIT! Kadang2 aku rasa tipu la friends forever tuh because people can change in seconds. Apa2pun, Im sorry for my words. I just need to release all this hurt feelings. Kalau sape terasa tuh, korang berubah la jadi kawan yang sejati. Aku tak kesah langsung kalau kau taknak kawan aku dah sebab aku ada lagi orang yang nak kawan dengan aku. Kalau takde pun, ada lagi ramai orang yang sayang aku for who I really am. So what kalau takde kawan pun, tak mati pun. Lagipun, kawan bukan boleh teman kita bila kat kubur nanti. Ok la. Sorry la mengamuk pagi2 buta ni. Tiba2 rasa nak mengamuk. Goodnight everyone. Salam

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